My favorite Filipino band right now is Nuclear Punishment. They are the best metal band in the Philippines and it's a shame most people are unaware of it. Hailing from Cavite, Nuclear Punishment's brand of metal is hard to describe and comparing them to "other" metal bands would be unfair. To NP, that is.
I have been to 4 Nuclear Punishment shows in 2008 and I have not been disappointed by any of them. Quite the opposite happened, actually. They are a 5-piece monster with 2 guitarists but due to personal reasons and obligations, the band sometimes play as a 4-piece with 1 guitarist shredding people's ears. I saw them as a 5-piece once in 2008. I love Nuclear Punishment on record (they have a demo and a split-CD with 3 other Filipino bands) but I worship them endlessly live.
With that in mind, if you learn about an upcoming Nuclear Punishment show, run, do not walk, to it. It'll change your life.
(I took the NP pictures below while I was at the pit. Great experience. )
- Nuclear Punishment destroyed people at Dayo Bar in Quezon City
in the infantile hours of my birthday! Awesome set. (July 16, 2008)
- Nuclear Punishment killing everyone again at the Dayo Bar in Quezon City
(very late June 23, 2008 evening or very early June 24, 2008 morning,
depends how you look at it...)
- Nuclear Punishment at Mayric's in Manila.
I was with many friends at this show: Garmz from DEPRESS,
Jeffrey from THE SUN INSIDE, and 2 college buddies,
Ronald and Paolo. June 7, 2008