Sometime in the scorching summer of 1997, a good two months before junior high school, I borrowed my friend Jeff's cassette tape of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' One Hot Minute album. It was the only music I would listen to for the next 4-5 months. Shit, I think it was the only album I listened to for the rest of that year.
I don't know, I might be a complete fucking retard for liking this album but I do. Still do. In fact, I listened to it in its entirety today before going to work. Twice. No, it wasn't the same cassette tape I borrowed from my friend - I have a CD copy but the weird thing is, the last time I listened to this album was way back in mid-1999 but for some reason, after 9 fucking years, I can still sing along to every fucking song from the album, word for word. Weird.
Hearing "Aeroplane," "One Big Mob," and the terrific album closer "Transcending" still makes me grin in aural sarcasm. These songs were the shit I was into 11 years ago and their potency still remain to this day. One Hot Minute flopped but who gives a fuck? Many fans of the band hated Dave Navarro, who played guitar on the album, but I think it's beside the point. The band made their darkest album of their career - lyrically and musically - and I relate to it very much.
Yes, I listen to this kind of shit when I'm not listening to hardcore punk and grindcore.